Category: Religion

Sufi Lantern

The Sufi approach to prayer

For Muslims it is Ramadan, for Christians it is Lent, and for Jews it is a time of reflection as we approach Passover. This comes


Paul Gutteridge with a message for Easter

This week Paul Gutteridge, Senior Fellow of the Next Century Foundation; Honorary Fellow, The Edward Cadbury Centre, Birmingham University; and a leading member of Initiatives


For Lent and Ramadan

William Morris continues his Ramadan / Lent series of Podcasts with this on sin and salvation, we hope you enjoy it, or at least find


So What is God?

A message for Ramadan, and Lent: For Moslems it is Ramadan, for Christians it is Lent, and for Jews it is a time of reflection


We are Noah’s Ark – A Christmas message for 2023

William Morris LL.D., Secretary General of the Next Century Foundation, shares a Christmas message and suggests that “We are Noah’s Ark” Transcript [0:02] Well, it’s time for a Christmas message, to share a few thoughts at this time of year. And so here they are. And it’s Christmas 2023.


Mercy and Justice in Sufism

The Next Century Foundation has just been addressed by Ayatollah Safavi, the Head of the Safavid Sufi movement. The following are reflections in the aftermath

A Ramadan Message from Israel

Hillel Schenker, our dear friend who co-edits the Palestine-Israel Journal, shared the following message which was published in Haaretz and is from Israel’s Defence Minister.