Labour Party’s Manifesto: Stance on Gaza


In the past 14 years, global instability has escalated significantly. Conflict has re-emerged in the Middle East, which is plagued by severe violence and has intensified geopolitical rivalries and disruptive forces are actively sowing division worldwide. Amidst this challenging global environment, it is imperative for Great Britain to stand strong and united. However, the Conservative government’s foreign policy has eroded the alliances, neglected an essential diplomatic opportunity—and tarnished the reputation as staunch defenders of international law, mentions the Labour Party’s manifesto for 2024.

Labour has committed, as part of its general election manifesto, to recognizing a Palestinian state “to support a renewed peace process leading to a two-state solution.” This stance has drawn scrutiny, especially amid ongoing Gaza conflict, prompting calls from figures like former shadow minister Richard Burden to reinstate Jeremy Corbyn-era policies advocating immediate recognition of Palestine. The party advocates recognition in coordination with international partners, emphasizing its role in achieving a sustainable two-state solution. Conversely, labeling the previous stance of immediate, unilateral recognition under Corbyn as impractical, an insider noted it could impede peace efforts.

Outlined in their manifesto, Labour pledges to vigorously advocate for an immediate ceasefire, the release of hostages, adherence to international law, and a significant increase in aid to Gaza. The manifesto affirms Palestinian statehood as an inherent right and underscores Labour’s commitment to recognizing a Palestinian state as part of a comprehensive peace framework ensuring a safe, secure Israel alongside a viable, sovereign Palestinian state.

Based on the focus for long-term peace and security in the Middle East, here are some recommendations outlined:

  1. Palestinian State and Elections:
    • Support Palestinian Elections: Organizing free and fair elections in Palestine is crucial for establishing legitimate governance and representation for the Palestinian people. This process can empower Palestinian leaders who have a mandate to negotiate and implement peace agreements.
    • Derecognizing Hamas in Elections: Fair and just elections are pivotal for installing democracy in Palestine, therefore the idea of true lawful governance can only be achieved if the armed group is barred from it.
    • Commit to Palestinian Statehood: Making a clear commitment to recognize Palestinian statehood at a specific point, contingent upon progress in peace negotiations, provides a concrete goal for all parties involved. This commitment can be tied to benchmarks such as compliance with international law, cessation of violence, and mutual recognition.
  2. Middle East Peace Conference:
    • Endorse a New Middle East Peace Conference: The Arab Peace Initiative offers a comprehensive framework for peace in the Middle East, including normalization of relations between Arab states and Israel in exchange for a viable Palestinian state. Endorsing and participating in a new peace conference based on this initiative can rejuvenate peace efforts and garner broad international support.
    • Framework for Negotiations: Such a conference would provide a platform for direct negotiations between Israeli and Palestinian leaders, supported by regional and international stakeholders. It could address key issues such as borders, refugees, security, and the status of Jerusalem.
  3. Ceasefire:
    • Achieve a Permanent Ceasefire: A permanent ceasefire is essential for stability and security in the region. It requires commitments from all parties to refrain from violence, supported by mechanisms for monitoring and enforcement. International mediation and guarantees can help secure and sustain such a ceasefire.
  4. Peacekeeping Force and Recognition:
    • Support a Peacekeeping Force for Gaza: Deploying an international peacekeeping force in Gaza can help stabilize the region, facilitate humanitarian aid delivery, and create conditions conducive to peace negotiations. Such a force would need a clear mandate, international legitimacy, and support from relevant parties.
    • Advance Recognition Issues: Addressing recognition concerns regarding Palestinian statehood involves diplomatic efforts to garner international support. This includes advocating for recognition based on agreed-upon parameters and principles, including adherence to international law and UN resolutions.
  5. Advocacy for Peace:
    • Promote a New Madrid-Type Conference: A conference similar to the Madrid Conference of 1991 can bring together key regional and international stakeholders to advance negotiations. It provides a structured forum for discussing and resolving contentious issues, fostering dialogue, and building consensus on a comprehensive peace agreement.
    • Support Presidential Elections in Palestine: Supporting and assisting in organizing presidential elections in Palestine reinforces democratic governance and legitimacy. It empowers Palestinians to choose their leadership democratically and can facilitate renewed peace efforts with a legitimate mandate.

By elaborating on these points and actively pursuing them through diplomatic channels, international cooperation, and engagement with regional stakeholders, there can be significant progress towards achieving a lasting peace and security framework in the Middle East, with a viable and sovereign Palestinian state alongside a safe and secure Israel.


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