On the 6th of August, the NCF interns will be running 7km as a FUNDRAISER for the Next Century Foundation. This ensures that they can continue their incredible work in waging peace and freeing people from fear. The interns will be running all across the world, from London to Portugal, and from Scotland to Switzerland. All donations will be kindly doubled by The Weinman Trust!
This week’s feature fundraiser
One of the interns running will be Helena – find her fundraising page HERE. She will be running in Basel, Switzerland and deeply appreciates any and all donations made, which will all have direct positive impacts on the peace brokering work conducted by the NCF.
The impact of your donations to this fundraiser
Your donations go directly to the NCF and their transformative work in peace brokering. The NCF’s work includes supporting and hosting peace initiatives, and open and inclusive dialogue for peace concerning primarily but not exclusively the Middle East, North Africa and South Asia. Donations will also allow the NCF to continue conducting frequent and impactful facilitating events: regular conferences and other forums held to discuss new, forward-thinking ideas, and off the record meetings to develop strategies and policies. Furthermore, donations will allow the NCF to continue translating the ideas that emerge from these events into policy recommendations, non-papers, articles and blogs, and distributing them to key opinion formers.
Supporting the NCF through this fundraiser, and allowing us to continue conducting this work thereby allows realisation of NCF’s aim to promote the four freedoms: freedom from want; freedom of expression; freedom of religion; and freedom from fear.
Please find the link to the wider NCF Intern Fun Run page HERE. We sincerely thank you for any donations you can spare, and are extremely grateful for your support which allows the NCF to continue working on crucial matters.