The use of Cluster Bombs must Cease


The Next Century Foundation delivered an oral intervention to the United Nations Human Rights Council’s 55th session on the need to end the use of cluster bombs. The NCF addresses the United Nations in the context of the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict.

Transcript of text used in appeal to the 55th session of the UNHRC in Geneva:

Dear President,

As the war in Ukraine passes its second anniversary, the Next Century Foundation would like to call for the abolition of the usage of cluster munitions and depleted uranium shells by the military forces of both Ukraine and the Russian Federation. Furthermore, we call for foreign counterparts, including the United States of America and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, to cease the transfer of these weapons to Ukraine. The cost in civilian lives is simply too high to justify their continued use. Both cluster munitions and depleted uranium shells will only prolong this war with their indiscriminate health and environmental effects. The many submunitions released from cluster munitions are unreliable weapons with wide-ranging dud rates, leaving a lasting threat to civilians. We’ve already seen their heartbreaking effects on human lives in countries like the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the Republic of Iraq. We should strive for their universal banning in conflict. In addition, using depleted uranium in tank shells and mortar rounds may lead to contamination of soil and may put those handling them at risk of cancer, kidney failure, or birth defects. When we think about war, we must consider its impact on both current and future civilian populations and how the effects of said conflict will echo into the future. With these weapons utilized in the ongoing war in Ukraine, the devastating humanitarian effects will only be perpetuated. We must think about our legacy on this planet and its inhabitants and halt the use of these weapons. Thank you.

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